Dermatologist located in Mid-Town, New York, NY
Skin Cancer
Skin cancers are the most common forms of cancer, and fortunately, many of them are highly treatable. Dr. Borkowsky Rubell is experienced in diagnosing and treating all types of skin cancers. If you are concerned about a mole or discoloration on your skin, it’s best to get it checked right away. Call or schedule an appointment using the online booking tool.
Skin Cancer Q & A
What are the different types of skin cancer?
Skin cancers affect people of all ages, races, and colors, and if you spend a lot of time in the sun, you may be at risk for developing some form of skin cancer. The most commonly diagnosed skin cancers include:
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form of skin cancer and frequently occurs on those with fair skin. BCC has the appearance of a flesh-colored bump or a pink patch of skin that develops after years of sun exposure. This form of skin cancer commonly appears on your face, neck, head, arms, chest, and legs. If left untreated, BCC can invade the surrounding tissue and even grow into your nerves, muscles, and bones.
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is another common form of skin cancer that typically affects light-skinned adults. It looks like a red, firm bump, or a scaly patch of skin that repeatedly heals and reopens. This type of cancer usually forms on areas of your body that get a lot of sun exposure, including the ears, face, neck, arms, and back. If left untreated, it can grow deeper into your skin and spread to other areas of your body.
Melanoma is the deadliest type of skin cancer and usually develops around a mole or as a new dark spot on your skin. It is imperative to get an early diagnosis and intervention by Dr. Borkowsky Rubell, a board-certified dermatologist so that she can recommend the best treatment options.
Actinic Keratoses (AK) are dry, scaly patches or spots thought to be precancerous growths. Adults over the age of 40 with fair skin are at risk for AK due to years of sun exposure. Since AKs are typically sun-related spots of abnormal skin cells, men and women most often get these in areas of sun exposure including the face, neck, and hands. If left untreated, AKs can progress to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), a more serious form of skin cancer.
How often should I have moles or birthmarks examined?
You should visit a dermatologist to have any moles and birthmarks, also called “nevi,” examined at least once a year or more frequently if you notice any changes in these growths, have a family history of skin cancer or abnormal moles or lived in an area with abundant sunshine. The American Cancer Society recommends performing a monthly self-check so you are familiar with your moles. After an initial exam, Dr. Borkowsky Rubell recommends how often you should have your moles checked for abnormalities, especially if you are at a higher risk of developing skin cancer.
What are my treatment options?
Treatments for skin cancers and moles depend on the type of skin cancer or abnormality you have and may include traditional surgery, radiation, laser surgery, and topical medications. Call or schedule a consultation online to speak with Dr. Borkowsky Rubell.